Saturday, October 2, 2021

Week In The Life 2021 Album Walkthrough

 What I didn't mention in my previous post was I have also managed to do a Week in the Life album this year. If you aren't sure what Day in the Life and Week in the Life are you can go to Ali Edwards website and she explains it ( But essentially it is just where you take snippets of each day for an entire week to show what you days are like, what your routines are, what you are currently watching or listening to, etc. I think it would have been awesome to see something like this from my grandmother or other family members. What were things like for them back then. 

This is the first year I have managed to complete the project and it was a lot of fun. I am also doing Day in the Life where you do a deeper dive into everyday life and this project is usually done on two different days in the year but you don't have to do it that way. Once I finish the second day of that project I will also share it. Here is a walk through of my album. Hope you enjoy it.  #WITL  #Weekinthelife

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